– By ANewDriver
An information sign is a very legibly printed and very noticeable placard that informs people of the purpose of an object, or gives them instruction on the use of something – like r oad signs showing directions and the location of services or other places of interest to tourists.
Advance direction signs
National road
National road
Regional road
Direction signs (at junctions)
Motorway direction sign
National road direction signs
Regional road direction sign
Local road direction sign
Destination distance sign
Town or village sign
Slow lane sign
Industrial estate symbol
Disabled persons parking bay
Airport symbol
Ferry symbol
Alternative route for high vehicles
Lay-by ahead sign
Hospital ahead sign
Lay-by sign
Hospital sign
Carpark with facilities for disabled persons
SOS lay-by
Advance information sign for low clearance
Traffic calming sign
Traffic calming sign
Supplementary plate
Ramps on road
Tourist information signs
Advance sign for facilities in lay-by
Advance sign for lay-by with tourism information
Sign for Óige youth hostels
Advance direction to local services
Signing to approved tourist information
Tourist advanced direction sign
Tourist attraction direction sign
Pedestrian sign to a tourist attraction
Pedestrian sign to a car park
Sign to approved tourist information point